New Moon ACTiv-


Each New Moon is a re-starting point for a fresh new cycle. The few days leading up to and around the New Moon are prime time for finalizing processes of energetic release, and for receiving the energetic seeds that will sprout and carry collective manifestations forth during that month and beyond. A New Moon Activation is a virtual portal for re-tuning & attuning yourself with the most aligned energy cleansing, transmutation, and ‘upgrades’ for you during any given cycle. Each small group session consists of intuitive insights on the current state of the collective consciousness, gentle breathwork, long-distance reiki, a crystal-of-the-month attunement, guided visualization, tarot & oracle reading, and occasional special guest healers, all weaved together by channeling the regenerative effects of the New Moon.

Activations with special guest healers are $44 and 30 minutes longer.